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September 2014 Newsletter

Hello Fellow Chefs,

Well September is here and we all made it through another “season” in one piece!! Now it’s time for the Banquet Season to kick in and pay for all the summer fun!!

We had an excellent meeting on September 9th at Bronxville Field Club. Many thanks to Chef Dan Neuroth and his staff for a great job and many thanks to Lori Sahagian GM for allowing us to have our meeting at the club. The setting was absolutely fantastic, beer and wine and hors d’Oeuvres served in the herb garden followed by education in the kitchen by Unox Combi Ovens and then a fantastic dinner and more education from Justin Wines. The attendance was terrific with over 30 people attending.

We discussed the upcoming Chefs Outing on September 30th at Metropolis CC, if you haven’t already signed up please email Chef Lenny at and get on the list, places are filling up really quickly and don’t forget if you wish to sponsor a hole you may do so by also emailing Chef Lenny.

Mike Dolan and John Krall gave us a preliminary outline of the Education Trip to England and Ireland which is planned for Jan 8th thru 17th 2015. I will upload a brief outline for everybody to view.

Our dues collecting has been going well so far but remember if you have not paid please do so as soon as possible, and if you need us to send another invoice let me know and we will take care of it for you.

Dan and Max are finalizing their membership brochure which will go to print in the next few weeks so keep an eye on your mailbox for that to arrive!

John Chevalier will be hosting our next meeting at Willow Ridge Country Club on October 7th at 6p.m. Please RSVP to John at

I am currently working with a Web Hosting company to help us update our website and make it a bit more user friendly so hopefully over the next month or so we will see some changes and updates on the site.

Culinary Regards,


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