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April 2012 Newsletter

Hello Fellow Club Chefs,

Our next meeting will be hosted by Maxwell Shteyman CEC at the BEACH POINT CLUB 900 Rushmore Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY on Tuesday, April 17. The meeting will be in the afternoon. Welcoming reception starts at 12:00 followed by a Demonstration by a representative from Jones Sausage Company. He will be giving us a demo on breaking down a whole pig. The Jones Company has been using naturally raised pork for their products. A meeting will follow immediately after the demo. This will be the first meeting for our new President Peter Haering so please come and show your support. Please RSVP to Executive Chef Max at or call 914-698-1600.

May Meeting Bedford Golf and Tennis hosted by Executive Chef Haik Hovnanian on Tuesday May 8th 6:00pm Education Guest Chef Michael Anthony, Executive Chef of Gramercy Tavern , Part of the Union Square Hospitality Group Not Confirmed Yet

June Meeting Lotos Club hosted by Executive Chef Raymond Hollonda on June 12th 12:00 pm Education David Arnold or Alex Talbot Not Confirmed Yet


Restaurant Dinner Meeting 9th or 10th

September Meeting Mill River Club Tuesday 11th Tentative

October Meeting American Yacht Club Hosted by Executive Chef Maurice Hurley Tuesday 9th

November Meeting Tuesday 13th Manursing Island Club

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